
Human Rights Advocates Fear Toll In Burma Crackdown Is High
By Trish Anderton Bangkok01 October 2007
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(*)Human rights activists say they fear the numbers of those arrested or killed in a government crackdown on protests in Burma is far higher than the country's ruling military has acknowledged. Trish Anderton reports from Bangkok, in neighboring Thailand.
By Trish Anderton Bangkok01 October 2007
Anderton report (mp3) - Download 450k Listen to Anderton report (mp3)
(*)Human rights activists say they fear the numbers of those arrested or killed in a government crackdown on protests in Burma is far higher than the country's ruling military has acknowledged. Trish Anderton reports from Bangkok, in neighboring Thailand.
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Protesters' sandals are scattered on the ground as Burmese soldiers look on after firing automatic weapons into a crowd in downtown Rangoon, 27 Sep 2007 (Mandalay Gazette photo)
Les sandales des Protestataires sont dispersées sur le terrain(sol) comme des soldats birmans regardent après le tir(licenciement) d'armes automatiques dans une foule en centreville de Rangoon, 27 2007 Sep (Mandalay la photo de Gazette)
(**) The Hong Kong based Asian Human Rights Commission says it believes at least 700 Buddhist monks and 500 civilians were spirited away by security forces to unknown locations within the past week. Many observers believe the death toll may have been far higher than the 10 reported.
But in Bangkok, Swedish Ambassador at Large for Human Rights Jan Nordlander says it is impossible to know.
"There is a consensus assessment within the international community that the number of victims is considerably higher than the number that the government of Myanmar has indicated," said Nordlander. "But how many, I think, nobody can say at this time."
U.N. special envoy Ibrahim Gambari has headed back to Burma's administrative capital, Naypidaw, in the hope of meeting with junta leader General Than Shwe.
But in Bangkok, Swedish Ambassador at Large for Human Rights Jan Nordlander says it is impossible to know.
"There is a consensus assessment within the international community that the number of victims is considerably higher than the number that the government of Myanmar has indicated," said Nordlander. "But how many, I think, nobody can say at this time."
U.N. special envoy Ibrahim Gambari has headed back to Burma's administrative capital, Naypidaw, in the hope of meeting with junta leader General Than Shwe.
(*a) A statement from the U.N. makes it clear the world body expects the reclusive general to meet with Gambari before he leaves.
Still, human rights activists in Bangkok say the U.N. is moving too slowly. Dozens of groups throughout Asia have issued a call to Asian governments to support a U.N. fact-finding mission and human rights monitoring system in Burma.
Aung Myo Min is with the Human Rights Education Institute of Burma.
(***)" Last year in Darfur, in Sudan, the fact-finding mission did a great job after submitting the report that is seriously considered by the human rights council and also the Security Council, " he said. " So, I think the first step is the fact-finding mission and also that there should be a monitoring sustem.
Soldiers patrol along the street leading to Sule Pagoda in Rangoon, 01 Oct 2007
(****)In Rangoon, the military removed barbed-wired barricades from around the Shwedagon Pagoda, a focus of the demonstrations, in a move that appeared to signal its confidence that it has put down last week's demonstrations.
Soldiers remain stationed there, however, and Internet access in the country is still disabled.
(*)Les activistes de droits de l'homme disent qu'ils craignent les numéros(nombres) d'entre ceux arrêtés ou tué dans des mesures de répression gouvernementales sur des protestations en Birmanie sont beaucoup plus hauts que l'armée(les militaires) dirigeante du pays a reconnu. Trish Anderton annonce de Bangkok, en Thaïlande voisine
(*a)Une déclaration de l'ONU précise que le corps(l'organisme) mondial s'attend au général de reclus pour rencontrer Gambari avant qu'il ne parte.
(*2)Cependant, les activistes de droits de l'homme à Bangkok disent que l'ONU se déplace trop lentement. Des douzaines de groupes partout dans l'Asie ont publié un appel aux gouvernements asiatiques pour soutenir une mission d'enquête de l'ONU et des droits de l'homme contrôlant le système en Birmanie
(**) Hong-Kong a basé Asian Human rights commission dit qu'il croit au moins 700 moines de Bouddhiste et 500 civils étaient pleins d'entrain loin par des forces de sécurité aux emplacements inconnus dans la semaine passée. Beaucoup d'observateurs croient que le nombre de morts peut avoir été beaucoup plus haut que les 10 annoncés.
Mais à Bangkok, l'Ambassadeur suédois en général pour des Droits de l'homme Jan Nordlander dit qu'il est impossible de savoir
(***)L'année dernière dans Darfur, au Soudan, la mission d'enquête a fait un grand travail après la soumission du rapport le conseil de droits de l'homme considère sérieusement qui et aussi le Conseil de sécurité, "il a dit." Ainsi, je pense que le premier pas(étape) est la mission d'enquête et aussi qu'il devrait y avoir un contrôle sustem.
(****)À Rangoon, l'armée(les militaires) a enlevé des barricades barbelées-de-câble d'autour de la Pagode Shwedagon, un centre des démonstrations(manifestations), dans un mouvement qui a apparu au signal sa confiance qu'il a réprimé les démonstrations(manifestations) de la semaine dernière.Les soldats restent placés là, cependant et l'Accès à Internet dans le pays est toujours mis hors de service
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