Ukraine Election

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01 October, 2007 - Published 10:52 GMT
Ukraine election
Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko
Exit polls in Ukraine suggest that the pro-Western alliance could be back in office. The former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc could have enough seats to form a coalition with President Viktor Yushchenko's party. But the outgoing Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych has other ideas. This report from Helen Fawkes:
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The politicians from the mass protests of the Orange Revolution appear to be on the verge of reuniting. According to the exit polls, the pro-Western parties of the opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko and her ally, the President, Viktor Yushchenko, have scored a narrow victory. It's predicted that together, they have gained the largest share of the vote.
However, their opponent, the Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, is defiant. His party, which is friendlier to Moscow, was the most popular in Sunday's election, according to the exit polls. Supporters of the Prime Minister are expected to hold a rally in the capital later.
Meanwhile, the Orange parties are due to meet to discuss a coalition agreement. If the exit polls are accurate and the Orange team manage to form a coalition, then Yulia Tymoshenko would become Ukraine's next Prime Minister. All this is dependent on the outcome of the election. It's expected that the result could be announced later on Monday.
Helen Fawkes, BBC News, Kiev
Listen to the words
on the verge of = close to, very likely
exit polls = organized questionings of people as they leave polling stations about how they voted (to try and predict who will win the election)
ally = someone who supports and helps someone else
scored a narrow victory = = won with a small majority
the largest sharemost
defiant = not willing to accept the result of something (here, the election)
to hold a rally = to have a public meeting (of a large group of supporters)
due to = scheduled/timetabled to
coalition = union of different political parties or groups for a particular purpose, usually for a limited time
outcome = result
01 October, 2007 - Published 10:52 GMT
Ukraine election
Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko
Exit polls in Ukraine suggest that the pro-Western alliance could be back in office. The former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc could have enough seats to form a coalition with President Viktor Yushchenko's party. But the outgoing Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych has other ideas. This report from Helen Fawkes:
Listen to the story
The politicians from the mass protests of the Orange Revolution appear to be on the verge of reuniting. According to the exit polls, the pro-Western parties of the opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko and her ally, the President, Viktor Yushchenko, have scored a narrow victory. It's predicted that together, they have gained the largest share of the vote.
However, their opponent, the Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, is defiant. His party, which is friendlier to Moscow, was the most popular in Sunday's election, according to the exit polls. Supporters of the Prime Minister are expected to hold a rally in the capital later.
Meanwhile, the Orange parties are due to meet to discuss a coalition agreement. If the exit polls are accurate and the Orange team manage to form a coalition, then Yulia Tymoshenko would become Ukraine's next Prime Minister. All this is dependent on the outcome of the election. It's expected that the result could be announced later on Monday.
Helen Fawkes, BBC News, Kiev
Listen to the words
on the verge of = close to, very likely
exit polls = organized questionings of people as they leave polling stations about how they voted (to try and predict who will win the election)
ally = someone who supports and helps someone else
scored a narrow victory = = won with a small majority
the largest sharemost
defiant = not willing to accept the result of something (here, the election)
to hold a rally = to have a public meeting (of a large group of supporters)
due to = scheduled/timetabled to
coalition = union of different political parties or groups for a particular purpose, usually for a limited time
outcome = result
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